Its fine Turtle, my connection was bad, too. I'm doing a lot better at this game then I expected. I have a probally have a 1.50 or 1.60 KDR, thats not a huge number, but considering I had like 0.75 in UC2 its pretty good.
GGs Dragon, Charlie, Static, and ninjas. We dominated in every round. I had the marker on me every time a power play called for it. I hope we can do this again because that was pretty damn fun.
In theory, it shouldn't. But they don't just remove the Power Plays, they remove the Boosters and mess with the damage levels.
Yeah, those are also reasons why I dig the mode. No panic melee's, extended aiming & everyone on the same level should they choose the same gun = dope gaming! (^_-)d
Last edited by redhamuSLA on Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Im a little disappointed I never got to play the new map before I came back to uni.. At this rate I'll only be able to start playing this again when the actual game is released.. Ah well not to worry... Catch you all in a few months
3.2 kdr! uber happy about that. 2.8 win to loss ratio... which is meh. i can improve on it. for anyone looking to check their stats just check naughty dog's website.
I never understand why bother to put stats on a beta, kind of irrelevant but what ever... I had a 2.3kd with a 6.1 w/l which is good enough for me for a beta. In the real game I'm am going to go for a super high win loss, at least a 20 would be nice.
So, um... yeah, apparently I spent 0 time in both Competitive and Cooperative.
What gives? I wanted to see my stats!
EDIT: I guess, upon further investigation (i.e., reading their home page), apparently some players had their ranks and stats reset recently. I guess I was one of 'em. :^(
So I decided to play one last game, ended up partying it up with mah boy Tekkenz, booyah! We played one 3TDM and beasted it up, what a way to end the beta for me, haha.
I don't think either of us died and got 10 kills each, oh it was glorious!
Stats are up? LOL. Awesome, but yeah why do that for a beta? Man, I'm sad to see the beta go. (T_T) Either way...check out my latest commentary! (^_-)d
good games to all i had the pleasure to play with here in the nation. awesome times they were. now that the beta is coming to an end, i'll be moving back to l.a noire and other shit.
how many of you are going to subway in october to get the early multiplayer access? i know i will be. get a delicious sandwich, AND the uc3 multiplayer experience. WIN